Mission : To raise awareness and educate the society on health, economic and social ills affecting the development and wellbeing of individuals.

ADIS provides educational and sensitization programmes aimed at preventing irregular migration particularly among the youth population and in endemic communities using traditional and modern communication tools/ technique. The organization offers capacity to state and non state actors working on migration issue on strategies for effective communication campaign against human trafficking and irregular migration in Nigeria. Hereby, promoting social justice for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups particularly children, youths and women in Nigeria.

ADIS envisage an empowered society where every person irrespective of background or status can participate and contribute to national development. They also promote the social and political participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the society. and the inclusion of every individual in the society to be able to contribute their quota to nation building

Programme Areas

Our area of focused are:

  • Advocacy and Enlightenment
  • Youth Development/Mentorship
  • Skills training/support
  • Economic Empowerment for Vulnerable Persons and Groups
  • Migration related issues (Labour Migration, Irregular migration)
  • Human trafficking
  • Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration
  • Counseling
  • Peer support